Current Score: 0

CHADS2VASc for stroke risk


Estimates stroke risk in patients with atrial fibrillation. The adjusted stroke rate was the expected stroke rate per 100 person-years derived from the multivariable model assuming that aspirin was not taken.

Range Description Category
<1 Low risk of thromboembolic event. 0.3% risk of event per year if no coumadin. good
1 Low-Moderate risk of thromboembolic event. 0.9% risk of event per year if no coumadin. intermediate
≥2 Moderate-High risk of thromboembolic event. ≥2.9% risk of event per year if no coumadin. bad
1. Congestive Heart Failure History?
2. Hypertension History?
3. Vascular Disease History?
4. Diabetes Mellitus History?
5. Stroke or TIA Symptoms?
6. Age in years?
7. Sex

Therapies recommended by the AFib Clinical Guide are as follows:

CHADS2VASC Score Recommended Therapy
0 Aspirin (81-325 mg po daily)
1 Aspirin (81-325 mg po daily) or warfarin (INR 2-3, target 2.5)
≥2 Warfarin (INR 2-3, target 2.5)