Current Score: 0

NIH Stroke Scale

Range Description Category
<5 Low risk. Favorable clinical outcome good
5-42 Moderate risk bad
1. Level of Consciousness
2. Ask Month and Age
3. 'Blink Eyes' & 'Squeeze Hands' (pantomime commands if communication barrier)
4. Test Horizontal Extraocular Movements
5. Test Facial Palsy (Use Grimace if obtunded)
6. Test Right Arm Motor Drift
7. Test Limb Ataxia (FNF/Heel-Shin)
8. Test Sensation
9. Test Language/Aphasia (Describe the scene, name the words, read the sentences, in the image at the bottom)
10. Test Dysarthria. Read the words in the image at the bottom.
11. Test Extinction/Inattention

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