
Goals and Objectives for Outpatient Subspecialty Selective/Elective (PGY-3)


Description of rotation:

These rotations are the resident’s opportunity to explore selected outpatient experiences at Mount Sinai (selective) as well as an experience of their choice at this or any other institution (elective). The purpose is to broaden the resident’s exposure to outpatient neurology and help guide and inform their future career choices.


  1. To improve the resident's clinical knowledge and skills in the diagnosis and treatment of subspecialty neurology outpatients, including movement disorders, multiple sclerosis, neurophysiology, headache or behavioral neurology.

  2. To provide exposure to comprehensive/interdisciplinary care for patients with neurologic disease, (i.e. multiple sclerosis).

  3. To foster personal development in considerations of career options, academic/research opportunities, and fellowship applications in the neurologic subspecialities.


The resident will:

  • Further develop their neurological examination skills, with an emphasis on appropriate focused examination methods and advanced examination techniques (Patient Care)

  • Further develop their ability to synthesize examination findings and history in their subspecialty to generate a comprehensive, focused differential diagnosis (Patient Care)

  • Improve their understanding of diagnostic and therapeutic options in their neurological subspecialty, including recent and experimental options, and their ability to apply this knowledge to the care of individual patients (Patient Care, Practice-Based Learning and Improvement)

  • Solidify their knowledge of their subspecialty, including the biomedical, epidemiologic, pathophysiologic, diagnostic and therapeutic points; self-assess for gaps in their own knowledge base and correct these with self-directed learning and patient exposures (Medical Knowledge, Practice-Based Learning and Improvement)

  • Integrate formative feedback from preceptor and colleagues into daily practices (Practice-Based Learning and Improvement)

  • Practice skills in educating patients, families, other residents and medical students about their neurological subspecialty in a mentored environment, to be assessed by the resident's assigned preceptor for the rotation (Practice-Based Learning and Improvement, Interpersonal and Communication Skills)

  • Demonstrate compassion, respect and cultural sensitivity towards neurological patients and families (Professionalism)

  • Demonstrate respect for patient privacy and confidentiality (Professionalism)

  • Understand how outpatient subspecialty neurology care fits into the organization of neurological health care delivery (Systems-Based Practice)